

Sample codes for computing crack compliance functions using LEFM.




Errata for book ”Residual Stress Measurement and the Slitting Method”:

On page 16, sx(x,0) in Eqs. (2.20) and (2.23) should be sy(x,0).

Dr. Keith Jones pointed out two mistakes in his email on March 19, 2017:

      I just wanted to write to you to let you know of a couple mistakes in your book Residual Stress Measurement and the Slitting Method, in case you are not already aware of them and might print another edition. I found that the coefficients listed in TableB.1 used with Eqs. 4.11 and B.5 do not accurately represent the integral in equation B.4. Using these coefficients, I was unable to reproduce the beam compliance functions calculated by the LEFM approach and shown in Figures 5.6 and 5.7. When I calculatedthe integral in equation B.4 and plotted it versus the polynomial fit in Table B.1, they do not match. When I created my own fit to the integral in equation B.4 and used it in calculations, I was able to reproduce Figures 5.6 and 5.7.

      One other minor note -- in Equation A.2, the exponent on the term [1-sin(pi*a/2)]^2 should be 3 not 2 according to the Stress Analysis of Cracks Handbook by Hiroshi Tada.

      Your text has been a great help to me in making residual stress measurements - I thank you for the excellent work.

Features to be added:

1. Sample program for computing slit compliance functions using Body-Force Method.

2. Sample program for computing crack/slit compliance functions of any 2-D part using FEM.


Now it is a great pleasure to present to you a talented young pianist, Allen Shang-Long Mao (茅尚龙).

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Over the years Angelo Shang-Cheng Mao (茅尚程) has composed various music pieces since he was 9 years old. Here is one of them for you to enjoy.

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